Celebrated my 80th birthday with a biplane flight, something that's been on my bucket list.
Of course I feel old age creeping up on me. Energy level isn't what it used to be, but there's still a lot I can do:
Substitute teaching (being around teenagers keeps you on your toes😀), taking care of my pets (5 cats 3 dogs and a parrot) is fun and cultivating friendships.
I'm grateful for every day, don't take life for granted.
Thoughts on Aging/Writing by: Irwin Lengel
Thanks Joe
You are probably right. Being a list person and one who has always said to others (but apparently haven't followed my own advice) make a plan and work the plan.
Perhaps that is what I should do. Determine what the subject of my writing is to be, decide on how long I plan on taking to write it, and then set down to working towards that goal.
Thanks - I will definitely give your comments some serious thought.
Appreciate the advice.
Thoughts On Aging/Writing by: Anonymous
Hi! I see that you had a writing project on your 2012 Bucket List (formerly resolutions list). I believe that your not following your 750 words per day writing rate because you probably still haven't come up with a vision for your writing project and a deadline for the completion of your project.
To help you, my own writing vision started back in November, 2005. I named my project 'the Seniorpreneur Project'. I had no idea what my chapters were going to be like and I still didn't have a title for my first new book. I did have a mission statement, to help Seniors(50 Plus) become business or social entrepreneurs through Lifelong Learning. I noticed that my material was becoming too business oriented. So, I added a social mission, to help eradicate Seniors poverty around the World.
You mentioned that your writing process is more start & stop production. I also believe in productive longevity.
What helped me in staying on track was to put down a deadline for the completion of my manuscript. Some advisers laughed at me when I wrote down a deadline date of May 21, 2010 (approx. 5 years time allocated to writing my manuscript). Well, I actually finished writing this project in March, 2010.
Joe W.
Still aging at 99 by: Anonymous
I am 86 today and still a very busy person. Last month my husband turned 99. In spite of spending the war in a Japanese camp (civilian) he stil has enough health to be volunteering in jobs where his hearing loss is not an impediment. Decide how you would like to help others and make your commitment.
Wendy: I know you've written before about your husband volunteering at age 99... I find this SOOO amazing! THAT is what keeps him "young"... Kudos to your husband for helping others!