Need to exercise more

by Brian Sullivan

I need to start exercising more but cannot seem to get motivated.

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I hate exercise too...
by: Laura in Vermont

Exercise has been a dirty word for me since primary school when the teacher and the other kids bullied me because I couldn't climb a rope.

However, I really don't want a walker. I don't want a wheelchair. I want to be able to do for myself till I die.

As a cancer survivor I have exercises to do every day so certain parts of my anatomy don't freeze up. I tried a stationary bike session after my daily cancer workout but kept getting distracted on my way to the bike.

So I decided to walk farther at stores and such, and work a little on strength, moving the weights into the bedroom so they're handy.

I'm so out of shape that I do the minimum and will keep doing that till it's easy, then adjust the weight upward a pound or so.

I have a 14-pound spinning wheel that I need to carry places and it's been getting harder to do, so that's my current motivation--to carry it to a conference in the fall without passing out.

Hook whatever physical activities you do to build yourself up to a real-life need.

If you don't want to dodder around in five years or less, you'll get yourself moving.

My New Plan
by: Sherry/ NC

When I retired I joined the local Senior Center, a good thing!

I have made friends, do volunteer work, and take an
exercise class. I also go to the YMCA and take an exercise class there. It gets me out of the house and I am doing something that makes my mind and body feel good.

Go for it, I promise you will enjoy.

We have to keep moving by moving our bodies.

WHAT motivates you?
by: Wendy, Retirement Enthusiast/Coach

Can you tell yourself that you only get X if you exercise?

Are you strong-willed enough to do this for yourself?

Exercise will increase your physical abilities and stamina, but will also increase your energy and lead to a better lifestyle. There are so many reasons to push past this!

You can do this!

THIS is your morning job -- don't have to go to a work place, you go exercise instead!

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