New Job - Curator for 40th anniversary

by Bernard Kelly
(Geelong, Australia)

I emailed to my local community organization here in Geelong, Australia advising that I was looking for a project.

The background is that my latest "profitable hobby" - Geelong History Tours - hasn't been able to find an on-going stream of customers, but as I'm still an active senior citizen, I'm far to young to retire.

And yippee they came back to me and asked would I have an interest in being the Curator for the 40th anniversary in 2026. Of course I said OK.

Watch this space.

Comments for New Job - Curator for 40th anniversary

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Absolutely thrilled for you!
by: Wendy, Retirement Enthusiast/Coach

They are lucky to have you!

You'll have a great time playing curator, and planning the big celebration locally!

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