Newly retired, hits and misses
by Lipintm
(Muskego, WI)
I was lucky to be able to retire with almost 40 years of work and only 55 y/o. The problem is that when I finally retired, my husband's job relocated to an area of the State I don't know anyone. So it started rough.
I made the mistake of getting a job in the field I was used to and after 3 weeks quit. I learned the lesson of not doing more of what I had to do all those years and go to what I WANT to do.
So for now I am looking at part time temporary positions. I am also looking for mundane work so I don't have to stress about work any longer. I want to belong in an office environment again.
That said I joined a health club and met some people but am not a joiner of classes. I like working out in the pool but some days I meet people and sometimes I don't. It's still pretty lonely.
I do like retirement but wish I could've retired and stayed in my hometown. I love the summers off. I can't wait for my husband to retire so we can start travelling and seeing the USA. That won't be for years yet though.
The winters are so hard on me. I have SAD and we are going on 17 days without sun in the North. Hate it!