Now it comes....after two years

by CeeCee
(Los Angeles)

I'm usually a joyful, happy person. Even after retiring two years ago (right before COVID) I maintained it pretty well.

Now, my anxiety is out of the park. small things upset me. My GERD is worse, even though I'm taking medication. My stomach is constantly churning....yes I've been checked for h pylori and had an endoscopy a few months ago. I have a hiatal hernia which causes GERD. I am fatigued most of the time.

I force myself to go out with friends and always feel better when I do. Then at home, the depression and anxiety hit full force within a few hours, I think it's the state of the world politically and the resurgence of a new variant of COVID.

I believe here in the US, we are in real danger of losing our democracy. These constant fears are ruining my retirement and health. I've always thought existentially. It'd be very hard not to.

Comments for Now it comes....after two years

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by: loyce, califiornia

Yes, we all live in the same world filled with turmoil and we are constantly informed and aware of same so we need to work hard to maintain positivity and optimism and we do this by empowering ourselves with other positive people, volunteering and seeking talk therapy.

We need others and others need us and we need to unite to strengthen ties.

Volunteer and seek therapy if your negativity is impinging on your lifestyle

by: Franklin

I pulled the plug one week ago after a 45 year career. Like you I am terrified about the current state of our country. I am nervous and my mind will not stop thinking about the issues facing us all.
I have turned to history which I have loved to reflect and put into perspective the world we live in. The imposed physical and phycological isolation have heighted our collective malaise.
You are doing the right thing to get out and socialize. Start taking walks or going to a gym. the endorphins will flow. it has been shown that an hour in the forest or nature will ease the pain.
More than that turn off the TV and find something to create. Color, paint build, clean. Turn on the music while you lose yourself in something you can look at after the fact and smile about.

by: Valerie from California

I too have been suffering anxiety along w panic attacks. I discovered something and it helped.

I take large doses of vitamin B12 and have for several years. I started taking Biotin which is a form of vitamin B7 for my nails. I was told all this B would help my bad nerves. After only one week on the Biotin my anxiety and panic attacks became unbearable. I somehow figured out to stop the B vitamins (and my D and multi) temporarily. Within 2 days I felt better than ever.

I guess even though they are water-soluble, I got too much of a good thing. Now I take them once a week and I’ll get my blood tested soon to make sure my levels are good.

Just putting this out there in case it helps someone else.

No News is Good News
by: Canadian Retiree

It's good to keep on top of what's happening locally and around the world, but one needs to read some uplifting stories or watch a good comedy from time to time.

I love to watch old movies, or listen to comedy radio programs or even watch TV shows that bring me back in time to better days.

Also, getting out of the house and going for a walk is great therapy.

I too suffer with GERD problems, and have to watch my diet. One of the main culprits with GERD is too much caffeine and acidic foods. Also try not eating too late before bed time and for goodness sakes don't watch the news!

News related anxiety
by: Alison NY

I agree with Wendy. I've had to limit my consumption of the news lately.

Certainly Covid is nothing to ignore, but the hysteria and fear it has generated is deadly. And not just Covid.

IF the news does not have something that is dangerous and scary they manufacture it with news of pending storms, or financial woes.

Then they do a "bright spot" at the end of the news as if to say...see, there are still good things happening despite everything else we have reported.

It is just an overall attitude of despair and sadness.

I found myself donating money to the children of Madagascar after a sad and compelling news show about famine, only to be hit with a barrage of emails from other charities.

Look up some guided meditations on YouTube or find yourself a practitioner of yoga, or something that will encourage relaxation and a positive outlook.

Do some volunteering. Be kind and generous to others.

And stop watching the news!

Stop watching the news
by: Wendy, Retirement Enthusiast/Coach

If you are a news watcher, and I'd bet you are, Stop. Wean yourself off constant news, continuous negativity, and internal stress.

Watch once a day and that's it.
No more negative news. There is little you can do with what is happening in our world. Just like your past, you can't fix it, so just force yourself to stop clouding your head and your future with all the badness in the world today.

This is simply my guess. Yes, lots going on with COVID making us more lonely, isolated. This is all part of downsizing LIFE at retirement -- and add COVID to it, and it's a sad way of life.

You might try a Workshop (top of the page)... just to get you thinking in a new direction.

You also might infuse GRATITUDE into your mornings. Write in a gratitude book, or small pieces of paper stuck in a jar where you collect small bits of gratitude each day. When you are feeling down, read some and remember all that you have in your life.

We are blessed.

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