
by Mary C Miller
(Miami, FL)

Exotic flower

Exotic flower

For many years, writing has been an avocation. Finding good photographs to go along with my subjects was always a challenge. I began taking my photos. In the early years I spent a lot of money on slides (most of which were thrown away!)

Then I purchased my first digital camera and began to feel more accomplished immediately. I took classes from a pro . . . I was on a roll. Any photographer will tell you, if you get one good photo out of 100 you're lucky. With digital, your chances are much improved!

Then it happened. I read an article in Smithsonian magazine title "What Camera?" The photos were eerily hyper real. Photographer Robert Creamer used his flatbed scanner to take these amazing pictures. It all sounded too easy. I had to try it. I not only tried it, but was immediately enamored with the process.

I have to admit scanning is a bit time consuming, but I love it. When friends bring their children to visit, we scan together and have a great time!

Some call it 'scanography', others use 'scanograms', 'scanner photography' and 'no-camera photography' terms to describe it. I call it Scanner Magic!

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