Publishing Kindle books

by Irwin Lengel
(Auburndale FL USA)

Wendy: I have thought about having the three books I wrote using Kindle published in Paperback so as to have actual hard copies, if you will, to share with friends and neighbors or make them available for sale as the Kindle eBooks are.

But the cost seems quite a bit high via Kindle and I was wondering if there was an alternative way of doing it?

On a different note, I found my blog page but see nowhere that I could start another post so that I could get back to contributing adding my thoughts about life as a retiree.

Can you provide some guidance here? There used to be a page where I could put my cursor on to write another post but that seems to have disappeared.

Your feedback would be extremely welcome.

Thanks, and have a good day.


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Blog posts
by: Irwin

Good idea.

Also good suggestions.

I'll give it a try. See what I come up with.

Thanks for the nudge.


Wendy . Never met you Irwin, but wish I could. You never give up, never stop, always thinking... and that will keep you mentally well!

by: Irwin


You are right - I need a new inspiration. Will have to work on that.


Wendy: Forget a book right now... write a post or two to get you motivated again. LOOK around you and write:

* Restaurants full of couples, young and old, dining together but reading or texting on their phones... I know you could write a good one!

* Whats happening in July in Florida? How to stay cool?

* Memory of the old apple tree you climbed every day in your childhood.

* What do you see looking out your window? (be descriptive)

* Places to visit in , Florida and why seniors would like that place... can they visit easily? Too much walking? Where is the adventure there?

* Squirrel story

* Older seniors, what we eat daily, easy to fix, tastes good, nutritious -- versus eating out.

Just a few simple ideas to start thinking out of the box on blog posts -- then maybe one feels like a short book!

by: Irwin - FL

Ben in Kentucky and Wendy in Michigan

Thanks for the info regarding publishing books.

Lately my mojo got up and left so I am still wrestling with myself as to what I want to do.

Same thing happens with my blog writing. I want to do it but continually find a reason or something else to do that keeps me from sitting down and writing be it by hand or at my computer.

I know it all breaks down to as Larry the Cable Guy used to say: "Git R Done!"

Thanks for reading my ramblings.


Wendy: You need a new idea, new inspiration, to motivate you. What that is, I don't know... :)

What cost are you referring to?
by: Ben, KY

Hello, One thing that is great about using Amazon as your publisher is that there is no cost. Unless you meant to purchase the finished book. Then, it depends greatly on the size of the book.

I always use the fairly standard 6 x 9 size with a 14 font. Makes it easier to read. I have always used a cover designer but other than that, there is no cost.

This of course assumes you will be doing your own setup. It's easy.

I actually gave away some copies of a book I wrote a few years ago on this website.

I just have a bunch of author copies made and give them to friends and family. Go for it!


(This reply could look like a hot mess. I'm doing it on my phone and that usually doesn't go well.)

Wendy: Nope! I routinely break into paragraphs as they are simply easier to read online!

Hey Irwin!
by: Wendy, Retirement Enthusiast/Coach

If you have the books still on your computer, you might format in a different size (8x11" or booklet size: 5.5x8") -- then have a local printer print into books for you.

You can print at local
Office Depot.

OR Google: "print my book" or something like that.

Try a few sites and do some estimates (paper size, number of copies, type of cover, how many pages, etc).

Best Wishes!

PS You can
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