Question about 'snowbird retirement' in another country.

by Ron

I have a question about the feasibility of spending three months each year in a warm, low-cost country (e.g. Mexico, Central America, or Thailand).

Would bi-annual transportation costs negate any potential savings?


Comments for Question about 'snowbird retirement' in another country.

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France is the standout option for an international retirement
by: Bernard Kelly, Australia

Hi Ron -

France is the standout option for an international retirement:

(1) it's close enough for the family to visit

(2) cost of living in a village in the south is very cheap

(3) if you rent out your home, you'll have enough for a very comfortable retirement in France

(4) the culture and food will maintain your zest for living

(5) health care and hospitals are exceptional and paid for by the government

There's more of course - but it's all good.

Let me know what you decide

cheers ... Bernard

Snowbirds Flock to Nevada
by: Linda/Nevada

Southern Nevada, where I live, is a popular state for snowbirds. When I am driving about, I always see license plates from different areas of Canada. You can't beat the weather we have in southern Nevada. Hardly never any snow, no tornadoes, no hurricanes, just hot weather in the summer.

Maybe you might want to research other states that have a low cost of living and warmer climates. It would probably be a safer alternative than living in a country that has a different justice system. You might also think about healthcare and language differences unless you are knowledgeable in other languages. Medicare does not cover your medical expenses in a foreign country.

To me, it sounds like it would be stressful to be going back and forth between countries just to get away from cold weather. The older we get, the harder it will be to deal with stress.

Linda/Nevada - Thanks for the insight
by: Ron (IL)

Thanks Linda/NV for your feedback. I have been to Mexico twice- but only on vacation, which doesn't count since resort living in even poor countries costs more than staying home. And two weeks at a beach resort bears no resemblance to living like a local (ex-pat). Still I dream of spending most of mid-western winter months in a warm tropical climate while the snow flies back home. Still looking for a way to do this as a middle class retiree.

Living in Another Country
by: Linda/Nevada

Every time I have considered living in another country, I remind myself of certain drawbacks. I am not a loyal American and especially now, I am not proud of being an American. I was born and raised in Texas, on the Mexican border, so I am a little familiar with Mexican laws and ways of life.

In Mexico, you are guilty until you are proven innocent if you commit a crime and it doesn't take much to get in trouble with the law. There is a certain amount of corruption in Mexico so you have to watch your back in everything you do.

It is cheaper to live in Mexico but if you have high standards for your living arrangements, you may have to give up certain things we take for granted here in the United States. Mexico is not big on sanitation requirements. I learned that restaurants in Mexico are not required to have hot water but things may have changed for the better by now.

Your financials gains from living in Mexico may not compensate for the things you will have to give up.

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