Rambling Rose

by Nina
(London, England)


Inspired by these amazing women! Although I look like a much younger woman I am 68. Could it be my hair which hardly has any grey? Or my curiosity since I am like my cat wanting to know what's around the corner.

What I think people like about me is my ability to laugh at myself. I love a good belly laugh and see the hilarious side of life. But mostly I appreciate doing things that are meaningful which would include helping others.

As for how I dress? I would say mostly casual but I try to be selective. For my high school reunion I went to a lot of effort to look glamorous. It was fun because I came home feeling great since I knew I looked lovely.

Nothing like a boost in the ego and of course realising you're still looking good.

Wendy: I knew all this just from reading your posts - your personality and youthful spirit just shines through!

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Nina's Personality
by: Irwin

II have to "ditto" Wendy's comments. Your bubbly personality just shines through in the thoughts you share with us. One can immediately tell that you are a bubbly personality and love life. Keep on smiling!

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