Ready to Retire? 30 years at the same job...

by Deb Fetter
(Farmingdale, NY)

I will be 60 in 3 weeks and I want to retire from my job because of the stress.

I'm to young to stay home all the time and I am at a loss as to what I want to do. My husband is 10 years younger than me so he will still be working.

How do I enter this new phase of my life without anxiety?

Wendy: For many years, retirees would tell me "you'll know when you are ready..." and I always wondered HOW will I know? I think I'm ready, but I just don't know for sure.

Guess what? Suddenly, out of nowhere, after considering retirement for 4+ years, I KNEW I was ready. I hope the same happens to you.

Suddenly, I had few fears, I knew I was ok, I knew I had plenty to do once I retired.... because you DO have to keep busy somehow. Especially if your husband remains working, you quit work due to stress -- but then what?

You can't become a couch potato, can you? Just take some time to figure out what you'll do every day.... are you crafty? will you volunteer or work somewhere part-time?

Finally, I have a Retirement Transition e-group if you'd like to join us. We just chat via email on a variety of topics... everyone going through the same retirement transition. See the Email
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Retirement or just need a vacation?
by: Jane Curtis


I too had a job that came with a lot of stress. I was too young to retire so I took a too short vacation. Stress jobs can burn you out.

Do you like your work?

Don't retire to get away from stress. Retire when you just don't want to go to work any more.

I ended up retiring because I knew it was not the job, I was ready to call my own shots. I had things I wanted to do, I had some dreams I wanted to go after. I did. I have never looked back.

Retirement means you call the shots, the time table, and all. Are you ready to handle the penalties and decrease in social security because you retired before the age for "early retirement"?

Ask yourself questions. Think about the answers. You can always come out of retirement, but what will it cost you? If you put up with the job for 2 more years till your 62 what will you gain? You can retire at 62 with less penalties, etc.

If all you need is a vacation, don't retire, take a leave of absence. If you have something you want to accomplish "when you retire" start preparing.

Do not do it without a plan. Don't retire on a whim.

If you start now, and prepare, you will be ready when the time comes. Take the leave of absence and pretend you are retired. You will know before your leave is up, if you want to continue.

The best of luck on your decision.

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