Retire Happy

Retire happy -- sounds so simple. Right?

Yet, so many visitors to this website just don't get there easily. Retirement transitions take time. You need to become the NEW YOU, whatever that is... and the "new you" should be happy.

We all deserve happiness in retirement... here are some tips. If even one tips helps one new retiree find his/her happiness, then this website has sent a miracle in someone's life..


1. Retirement living is about more than money. Financial planners tell us to start thinking about retirement living decades before we're ready to retire, and it's good to make a retirement planning checklist about five years before your retirement date.

While you're thinking about how much money you'll need in retirement, think about what you want your life to look like, and how you want to feel.

2. Make life plans. It's important to plan for the non-financial aspect of retirement living by considering what will make you retire happy.

Maybe you'll climb Mt. Kilimanjaro, go dog sledding in Alaska, make time to write that novel you've been thinking about, or even continue to work part-time. Make a life plan and tick off your experiences as you move ahead. (And no, I'm not talking about a "Bucket List!")

3. Find a purpose. When making your retirement living plan, look for things you can do on an ongoing basis that bring you joy, help you to retire happy, and add structure to your life. This can include travel, hobbies or even training for a new career.

4. Keep your mind sharp. "Use it or lose it" applies to your brain. If you feel the need to replace the intellectual stimulation you found at work, try learning a foreign language or a musical instrument, or join a book club.

Lifelong learning offers many opportunities to keep your mind sharp. How about checking out the lifelong learning classes offered by your local community center or college?

5. Volunteer. Getting involved in your community is a great way to give back, and it's a wonderful opportunity to interact with people and make new friends. Senior Corps offers volunteer opportunities tailored for older adults. Volunteering can really help to give you purpose and help you retire happy.

6. Develop new friendships. A measurement of whether people are successful at retirement living is the strength of their social network that includes family and friends.

Check out groups that help you meet new people or join community or religious organizations that have members who share your interests. It's possible to meet people and make new friends even if it's difficult to get around. Friendship helps to increase longevity.

Senior Pen Pals also help to retire happy. Join my retirement e-newsletter (right column) and I'll send pen pals your way!

7. Ask your spouse or partner. If you live with someone or have a close partner, retirement living becomes a shared experience. It's important to make time for you and your partner to both share your dreams - you might be pleasantly surprised to learn that your partner wants to join you on that Mt. Kilimanjaro climb, and he or she may have ideas you'll enjoy.

8. Increase your financial stability. If you can't afford to retire yet, what about partial retirement? This can include working part-time in your current job or finding a retirement job that's new and interesting and will also help you earn money.

9. Keep your spirits up. The life changes that come with retirement living can be challenging, but your attitude plays a big part in whether you'll find happiness in retirement living or not.

Check in with yourself to assess your mood; if you feel sad or hopeless it's important to see your doctor or a professional counselor. Learn the signs of senior depression (or ask a friend or family member to assess your mood) and don't be afraid to ask for help. Retire happy, not sad!

10. Remain healthy. Carter brought up an old adage: A lean horse for a long race. With increasing life spans, retirement living can be a long race, so get yourself in shape. That means eating well, watching your weight and staying active. When you feel good, it's easier to stay positive and open to new experiences.

Oodles more on how to Retire Happy below:

Thoughts from retirees on what makes you retire happy.. being busy!

Irwin has a great attitude on smiling for a happy retirement.