Retired and I collect Beaches!

by Norman Whye
(Norfolk England)

*From an old issue of my pen pal newsletter, Inky Trail News -- just to show you there is something for everyone -- hobbies and odd collections galore! Wendy

Several months ago a friend who lives in Indiana sent me a copy of your newspaper, Inky Trail News, and on the back page she wrote "idea" and sent it off to me.

It's been quite some time since I read the paper through and last evening I thought, well, if they want a little story, then I certainly have one, which I read over the telephone to our radio. It's different, and many amuse you.

I have lived in this small seaside town for for nigh on 62 years and have walked our unique beach for 61 of these years.

I found interesting items, which I popped into my jacket, but amassed a collection which now comprises most of my home. I have displayed a part of this collection to many organizations, and consequently the contents have given pleasure to many people, whereas, in most collections, they are stored, never to be seen.

Just a bit about me, I am retired now, having never been unemployed all my working life, so now I do have time on my hands, but I find myself so busy nowadays, I wonder how I ever found time to do any earning work!

Thirty years in the Motor Industry, eleven years as a Club Steward, seven years general gardening, and now I plan to decorate my home, do my own small garden, make my own beer, and have been on stage, on radio, and in a film (an extra).

I am single, and write to several people abroad and do not use a computer--preferring to write to people, as I feel it is more friendly to do it.

As for the story--well, is it fact, or fiction, or another yarn from an old Anglo-Saxon! Or was it?

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A Colourful Life indeed !
by: Retd. Prof. (Mr.) Durgesh Kumar Srivastava, New Delhi, India

Dear Mr. Norman,

Many readers would envy you for your colourful and interesting life. How many of us can have the joy of living near the sea beach for 60 plus years. Two of the greatest frontiers that a person can face are the sea and the sky. Living near the sea beach you had both these close to you.

Collecting all and sundry things that you found lying on the beach and building up a collection of these over a period of decades must have been a very interesting experience. I wish you had given a list, howsoever short, of the things that you found and kept in your collection.

Did you ever find a sealed bottle with a message inside? This is the ultimate excitement that one can have on the beach. I suggest that you write a detailed blog on your experiences on the beach and post it on for all of us to read and enjoy

With best wishes,

Retd. Prof. Mr. Durg;esh Kumar Srivastava,
New Delhi, India, 11th jan., 2011

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