Retired at age 51
by Becky
Loved my job for 7 years. Last 2 years big changes for the worst. Not happy. No advancements to move me into a happier position. Husband retired. He wanted to travel. So I quit my job in November of 2010. Depression started.
Felt lonely, purposeless. On medication for awhile. Recently stopped working. Feeling alone and very sad. Tried some volunteer work. That slowed down. Now I am depressed again. Live far from opportunities to volunteer. Tried to volunteer at a few places... and surprise, the volunteers are either on a waiting list or something else.
I keep hitting a brick wall every time I finally get off my backside and do something to get out there. Very discouraging. To make matters worse, my husband is very unsupportive in all this. So It just makes all of this worse.
Alone and depressed............Becky
Wendy: Becky you do need to get o-u-t.... we all need to be needed, volunteering or part time work is just perfect. If not, consider a blog (look to the left for "retiree blogs" to see what others are writing about.. LIFE). You simply need something - hobby, work, volunteer, something to keep busy! Best wishes!