by GWA
When I retired from Verizon after 36 years as a technician, I was ready to go and try something new. I was tired of the Corporate life and had always dreamed of doing something for myself. I had re-married a year before I retired and my new wife was very supportive of me leaving.
I knew that the key to happiness in retirement was staying busy. The first few months were spent doing home improvements, selling the house that I had before re-marrying, and settling my mothers estate. For several years I have done Custom Picture Framing as a hobby, so I decided to go into business doing that. I have no lack of ideas on staying busy.
That brings me to the problem...I've been too busy!!
I can probably count on two hands the number of days that I have simply relaxed since retirement. I still get up early, shower, dress, and get my wife off to work. I then find myself jumping from one thing to the next...feeling busier than I did when I was working. I often say that I don't know how I had time to work!
Now, a year and a half have passed since my retirement and I find myself confused about my role. When working you have a set schedule, a job to do, and interaction with co-workers. When you retire that set routine vanishes.
Don't get me wrong, I am glad that I left and know that I made the right move. It just takes time to adjust after 36 years of doing the same thing.
When I finally take the time to realize the blessing that I have in retirement and relax some, is when I will be truly happy (and I know that day will come soon). Until then I know that I will continue to be anxious and confused!!
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