Retired Recently
by Donna/Wisconsin
My husband who isn't even 65 yet retired a few months ago. He never has helped me much with housework, cooking, grocery shopping, etc. He felt he was the breadwinner and that was enough.
Since he's retired he's continued down that same path. He has people who cut our grass. Our weeds are overgrown because he is obese and sleeps a lot or looks at his computer all day. He will start projects but doesn't have the energy to complete them. I think he needs to see his doctor and perhaps get moving to lose weight. I also feel he suffers from depression at times.
As I age, I feel I can only do so much to keep our household chores going. I am contemplating leaving the marriage. Also, since he's retired, he's been very laid back about doing activities with me. We don't even sleep together.
This is not how we talked about how our retirement would look like. We wanted to spend more time together as a couple and travel, et... Not sure that will ever happen.