Retirement = Caregiver for my husband

by Lois

I retired after 25 years in August and in mid October of the same year my husband was diagnosed with a rare Degenerative Neurological Disease which includes dementia. That was nine years ago in October.

We met in 1967 and became good friends in high school in 1970. We have been together mostly since then. We have been blessed with three wonderful children and over ten grandchildren.

Live has gone so rapidly and is so fleeting but non as rapidly as the last nine years. Seeing my best friend drifting away is just heartbreaking. I first tried getting great vacations in with him not knowing when it would be over and we would only have our memories left.

I am blessed to still have him with me each day. My love of God and leaning on His strength has gotten me through all this time. I know with our children and church family I will be fine. I have my best gal pal of over 50 years to talk to and cry it out.

For those of you who are seeing the love of your life leaving you- through no fault of their own- you are not alone!

Let’s call our group UnitedCaregivers, ok? If I have others who want - I will try to start the group. God Bless U!

Comments for Retirement = Caregiver for my husband

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Care giving isn't for sissies
by: Donna

I am currently caring for my significant other since a series of small strokes have taken things south. Now 70 and my life partner 69.

A once vibrant and independent person is now reliant on me for help with just about everything. I am trying to live life day by day. Meanwhile taking care of the house, yard, 2 cats and a dog.

I am beginning to wear down. My temper is quick. I need prayers.

Wendy: Sending MANY prayers your way! Been there and done that for far too long. Its not easy and downright difficult.

Retirement = Companion/Caregiver for Mom
by: Wendy, Retirement Enthusiast/Coach

Much the same here, 14 years, but she is now gone... and I miss her!

Caregiving isn't easy, please be kind to yourself just as you are for him... take care of you too!

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