Retirement: Have accumulated enough money
Leaving stressful Wall Street environment behind after 33 years
business was no longer fun and rewarding
disfunctional work place including management
Lost my business edge in this new digital age
now 57 years old and what am I waiting for?
Wendy I understand you have the income to survive retirement... but what will you do all day, every day?
Please consider this BEFORE you take the leap. Many don't.
When you work, the utopia of "retirement" sounds wonderful. But when you have 7 days a week of NOTHING, it's not so good... sometimes downright depressing.
Will you vacation and travel?
Is family nearby and do they have time for you (or busy with their own children and careers)?
Do you have hobbies?
Might you work part time? Consultant?
Might you volunteer!
Just please think about what will keep you busy - day after day - in retirement.
Remember, retiring at 57, you could EASILY have another THIRTY YEARs or more of retirement. THIRTY years of nothing? What will you do?