by ChrisMohrSr
(Homeland, CA)
I am an 84 year old retired photographer. I live in Homeland, California, where we have as many quad pilots as we get rain.
NO, I have to take that back. We get a little piddling rain maybe once or twice a year, but we have absolutely no quad pilots whatsoever for as many as 50 or more miles around, as near as I can tell. And I wouldn't dare narrow it down to Phantom pilots because I know there ain't any of those around, except for me.
Where the heck are all the new retirees who don't want to sit on a park bench and feed the ducks? All those who want a challenging and satisfying hobby like aerial videography.
Seek them out and explain to them that their life isn't over, it could have a new beginning. If you know anyone like that who lives in the Homeland-Hemet area, tell them I want to start an Over The Hill Multi-Rotor Aircraft Association just for retired people who still have a creative imagination no matter what their "well-meaning" relatives tell them about the "home" not really being all that bad and all they have to do is adjust.
The home is still where the heart is and flying quadcopters can take the heart soaring into the clouds and bring satisfaction they never knew existed.
So, let everyone know that even if you are old, you can still free your spirit and fly above this sad old globe called earth.
Anyone interested can reach me at: elderlywonder --at-- outlook --dot-- com
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