by Nancy
I ran across this website accidentally a year or two back.
I come back to it to read others experiences. I can relate to most of the posts . . and at 66 years of age. . . I can tell you that you can't just sit down and do nothing. It doesn't work.
I still work part time. . . and for the last two months my husband and I have started volunteering with Meals on Wheels. We deliver meals on Fridays with extra meals for the weekend.
Some people are very quiet. . . others thank you and have these wonderful smiles! It's very special when some of the people seem to really enjoy our visit each week and you share a brief conversation to check on them. I look forward to each Friday!! It's a small thing we are doing, but it feels good.
The one thing I take away from this website is that I am not alone in adjusting. And from what I can tell, we will always be adjusting and adapting until we leave this Earth.
Change can be challenging and scary. . . but it's the only way things can get better if you are having a rough time.
Take a deep breath . . and take a few steps. We are not alone in this journey!!
Wendy: I just HAD to add the bold... just like my motto here:
Retirement is a Journey, not a Destination!
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