Retirement is a time to realize that we are in the final quarter of our lives

by Ben

Retirement is a time to realize that we older folks are in the final quarter of our lives. Please, don't waste it feeling sorry for yourself.

I help care for my mother-in-law and visit my father-in-law every day in the nursing home.

Many of my friends are either still working or off doing other things. My spouse has a few more years to work also.

But, I've always wanted to play I bought a complete set of drums and am enjoying learning. I restored an old pedal car like I had back in the 50's. I'm now working on restoring a 1963 Schwinn like I had 50 years ago.

I've always wanted to write a I've started a mystery and have written 50,000 words so far...over half finished. I don't think it will be a best seller but...I will have 20 copies made for a few friends and family and maybe put it out as an ebook.

I've started a garden this year...who knows how that will turn out. I go to estate sales and have met a lot of people and picked up some cool items cheap.

We're not going to live forever, don't sit with your head in your hands. Don't let yourself end up someday when you know your days are short and wish you had done this or that-do it.

Best wishes,

Comments for Retirement is a time to realize that we are in the final quarter of our lives

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Retirement time final qtr of life
by: Sherry/Wilmington, NC

Get busy you won't have time to feel sorry for yourself!!

Keep going
by: Janet

Hi Ben,

When I was working, one of my co-workers in his 80's told me one day that you just have to keep moving. I haven't forgotten that now that I have begun the journey into the last phase of my life.

I love that you are writing a book even though it may not be a best seller. I admire your courage to write something whether it is read by many or not. It sounds like you're enjoying the process.

Perfect timing
by: Sandy

Ben - what a great post and good reminder to us to enjoy this period of our lives lest we look back and realize we did not take advantage of it. And your timing could not be better.

My sister offered me a set of electronic drums because I always wanted to play the drums. I have been waffling on whether to take them, feeling a bit foolish for taking the drums so late in life. But, now I know I won't get this chance again.

So happy drumming to us both.

The final quarter of our lives
by: Elna Nugent, Lenox, MA

Dear Ben:

I hope everyone reads what you said and takes it to heart and finds a way to be creative and productive and have fun doing it.

I have one thing to add. Life is a continuous journey , and death is like another birth. And if you find this hard to believe, you are going to be very very surprised and thrilled.

Many Blessings.

Publish that book!
by: Wendy,

Hey Ben,

Just wanted to encourage you to publish your book. It's fun and easy to with Amazon Kindle books. I have a course here, if interested... it's about the self-pubilshing process. I will answer any questions you might have and guide you through the process.

There is this author of How I Sold 1 Million eBooks in 5 months too.... bought the book a few years ago and was amazed at his story. HE created a dashing character that has his own blog, the character writes it, people wait for the next book to come out. All relatively short, but great thrillers, etc. He might just inspire you!

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