Retirement Poems

 I hope you enjoy the retirement poems posted on this page. They are copyrighted by the author so please don't use them elsewhere without permission.

Got a retirement poem that you wrote? Send it to me using the CONTACT WENDY link and I will get it posted here.


I Won't Retire...

by Elinor Nuxoll (c) 1987

I won't retire. I'll just escape . . .
Escape the routine 9 to 5.
Sort through my pile of paperwork
And just do that on which I thrive.

I'll write, I'll type, I'll answer phones.
I'll go to meetings and schedule talks.
But when I wish, I'll take a break
To sit and read or take long walks.

I do not plan to work forever.
I need some time to call my own.
There'll come a day - between 9 and 5 -
My address will just be "Home, Sweet Home.

Retirement Daze!

by Helen Kotila-Kolehmainen
Retired from a Savings Bank 1988

You scurry through life Amid happiness and strife
Looking forward to the wonderful day
When you can stay home and collect PAY!
Looking ahead, the time seemed so long
Even when working with the friendliest throng!

Clean out your desk and prepare for the cheers!
But, alas, what is this rolling down the cheek?
Who would expect to become a crying freak!!

To see so many well wishers gather tonight
Has been for me the happiest delight.
I'm afraid it may seem to be a little dull
When we come to the end of this fol de rol...

Now, to all of you, my love, and a big thanks
And good fortune to the greatest of banks!