Retirement Reflections
by Matt I
It turns out retirement is another chapter of life that has to be experienced to accept just as learning a trade, skill, or college and getting a job to support yourself or to raise a family. Whether you are a blue collar, white collar or casual collar, we are all just occupational athletes no different than sports related athlete.
When we are working, life is like a clock always moving and on time--when we retire life is like a sundial --you have to determine the time yourself without moving constantly.
I would encourage your readers to watch 2 documentaries to get their attention about being so fortunate living in USA.
HONEYLAND AND Agafia The Russian Hermit.
If those 2 films don't get their attention nothing will in my view.
Wendy: First link is Amazon where you can watch for a small fee, Second link is the documentary on YouTube (free).