Retirement: Sunny Days

by Nina
(London, England)



Recently I kept thinking "Great to be retired and enjoying life". How wonderful to be happy.

This wasn't always the way I felt. When I lost my husband six years ago it was as if my whole world turned upside down. Besides this I retired, my daughter went to university and I was alone in a huge house. It was the formula for disaster.

Since then I have gotten involved in Mosaic Clubhouse in London... part of an international movement which started in New York called ICCD. It's to help people who have had mental health problems. Since I suffered with depression after my husband died I got better by going to this clubhouse.

Recently I went to Sweden with other staff members to a conference. What a great event! It was moving to hear the people from Japan talk about how their clubhouse helped the surrounding community after the earthquake. Also, there was a group from Australia which survived the flood. My story is that I survived bereavement.

Being active, having friends and my interest in art has changed my life.

You never know what's around the corner but each day brings new surprises. They can be wonderful.


Comments for Retirement: Sunny Days

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Your painful experience and ability to overcome such sadness is a triumph and inspiration for me. You have demonstrated how determination and a desire to be healthy and happy can be achieved. Thank you for sharing your story.

by: Anonymous

Dear Nina,
I appreciate your power of survival and remain active even having many oads in life. I congratulate for your power to live. Remain happy and think to guide and help others.

Helping others will continue to support you, it is not by money but guidance and mental support. wish you best of active life.

with regards,

Om Male (India)

by: Karen

Loved your pictures that you posted and also loved your positive attitude. On a day when I slip and find myself having a pity day, I try to just tell myself that there are people in worse situations than I am. Have a great day!!

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