Retirement Writers & Bloggers Needed

Help others on Retirement-Online while you grow your visibility as a retired writer!

Partner With Me... Seeking retirement bloggers!

IF you are a regular to my site, and lots of you are... You know I love working online. It totally satisfies my God-given nature to connect with people and my need to help in some manner. 

When you are a blogger -- it's fun to write posts that the world can read. Its interesting to see if they provide feedback or not.  Your subconscious is thinking about what to write about next.

On your own blog,  there is also work...

  • you have to get the blog set up and keep it updated - everything constantly needs updating
  • pick a niche that people are seeking information on - and not write about everything under the sun
  • post regularly - you need regular posts to keep visitors returning and Google interested so they list the blog for free search traffic 
  •  find your readers -  even dedicated bloggers, in a specific niche, find this difficult. It can take YEARS to get a blog really moving

R-O Writers & Bloggers Wanted

Requirements: You can write, :) 

Interested? Write to me via the Contact form at the bottom of this page.

I am seeking writers who meet these easy requirements:

  • You are already retired, or close to retirement. Writers should have the "been there and done that" knowledge on retirement topics.
  • You are active on R-O already, either writing articles, commenting frequently, or participating in the Retirement Community. WHY? Simply because I want to know you a bit before I promote you.
  • You will write about retirement/aging related issues here. You can have a blog about non-retirement elsewhere but R-O is all about retirement (though that takes many forms). You can write about any retirement thoughts or you can pick one topic and really dive into it.... look under Retirement Topics at the top.

Why write for R-O?

I will help you.  I am looking for partners and I will help you through blogging online. I can help you find keywords, understand blogging, find new ideas, and generally guide you as you blog online. I am adding a private group to the Retirement Community for R-O Bloggers only. This will be FUN!

You get a personal page, like Irwin Lengel and others, so that it shows up in search engines like Google. Send me a photo and short bio and I'll add to your page. All your blog posts will be linked there. If you have a personal blog or Kindle book, like Irwin, it can be linked here too. 

You will be read. You can make your own good-looking blog, write your head off, and still never be found. Happens all the time. Now, you can also buy traffic from search engines, that is possible. However, R-O traffic is organic. It all comes from links and search engines, and I've never paid for traffic. What this means for you.... people will read what  you write.

You will get feedback. This one isn't guaranteed, but this is a good way to understand what people want to connect about. You can see if you are a writer that folks want to cheer on, or whether you should connect on a more humorous or deeper level. Just interesting...

Clickable Links  to your personal blog or maybe an Amazon book you are selling.

It's simply fun!

Below are my recent stats:

Retirement-Online Stats

Visitors: averages and counts on each individual retiree who visited.

Visits: every visit to the site, meaning many return over and over.

Pages: how many pages were read.

Now this page is updated in 2024 to ask for bloggers... but below is the 2017 stats originally posted, just to see the consistancy. YES it should be much higher, but I was working with moms issues too much for years (since the pandemic). 

Bloggers on Retirement-Online (examples)

I've been lucky enough to have some retirees write articles on this site previously. When I noticed they've done a few, consistantly, I made them a page... and listed them on my Retiree Blogs page. I know I sometimes miss 

Irwin Lengel is maybe my biggest example of Retiree Bloggers here. He is one prolific writer (in his 80s too!) and simply enjoys sharing his thoughts online. He is well-known to many retirees online.

The following is my 2017 search:

Irwin Lengel on Google search... I highlighted the top three options. 

1) Irwin's Blog

2) Irwin on Retirement-Online

3) Irwin's Amazon book

but then many more articles and pages for Irwin follow...

Psst! See the red arrow, Irwin's 1940 census and if i click and join, 7.5% cash back from Ebates! Love using Ebates... it really adds up for me!

That's it.. Interested? Write to me using the form below! I am hoping to hear from YOU...
I want to reach and help more retirees! 

Write to me about YOUR blogging idea!

Contact Wendy

Please note that all fields followed by an asterisk must be filled in.