
by Debi

I will be retiring in two months (in September). I have been so excited about it, until the day that I met with our retirement office and put in my actual notice.

All of a sudden that afternoon it hit me like a ton of bricks, that feeling that I was facing death. Why do I suddenly feel like I just handed in my death notice?

Within a few days I started feeling aches and pains that I never felt before and started feeling fear of bad health and death. I am wondering if anyone else has had this experience?

I am not in bad health, I felt great, until I put in my retirement notice, and suddenly I feel extremely tired and afraid. I am hoping this is normal and that it will go away once I actually start living my retirement life.

Has anyone else had a similar experience when retiring?

Comments for Retirement/Fear

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Oh I understand, I lost who I have been. A nurse and instructor, now I feel I have lost my identity and a purpose. Trying to reinvent, or figure out what I am suppose to do. Same feelings, life is over. At the end. Yes it is scary, feeling like I have gone to a whole different place.

Fear and anxiety before retirement
by: Pre-retiree

I will retire in a year and already have experienced severe fear and anxiety. When I say I am afraid to retire, the first response back to me by everyone I’ve said it to is "You’re not alone." I am NOT alone and either are you.

Let go; stay positive and live one day at a time.

retirement fear
by: Natasha

Quite natural. My x husband was so upset after he turned in his retirement papers, that he quick ran and got them back.

by: Ike - midwest

It took me awhile to accept my new role in life.. the freedom to freelance with the rest of my life!

It seems some of us feel like we lose our identity or primary role and it is accompanied by fear, anxiety and the what do I do now syndrome.

Close your eyes take a breath.. smile .. cut yourself some slack and enjoy one day at a time.

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