by Ricardo
(U.S.A )

Wendy, yes, the 4th is around the corner and we are headed to one of my favorite spots in the state of Michigan, SAUGATUCK! We love your home state.

My father camped at Camp Grey back in the day, they shipped kids out there from the city in the summer for a bit of a getaway from city life.

As a father he took our family up to the Saugatuck area, AND as a father, I took family up there, and now our daughter and her family have been going up since her kids were wee ones.

Two are older now so may not join us over this 4th, BUT, some of us, me included will continue the tradition, FOURTH GENERATION enjoying your beautiful state...stay safe and enjoy celebrating our country's BIRTHDAY, I know that we will!

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Jun 24, 2024
Rikk, Enjoy!
by: Wendy, Retirement Enthusiast/Coach

Have a fabulous time in Saugatuck!

We visited a couple different weekends maybe ten years ago... celebrated my sisters anniversary and ours!

Fun Times.

Lake Michigan is beautiful, so many cool shops, wine tasting, and restaurants. We also visited an art shop where you could make your own art... the tables and chairs were so artsy (colorful painted patterns) and we made mosaic pieces. It was fun!

Have a great time!

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