Scared to Misery

by John Gaska
(Houston, Texas, USA)

I just turned 58 and I don't have a pension. My 401k investment strategy have been under-funded and pilfered through the years to the point that I can't count on much from it.

I've always worked very hard (first in last out) and worked to keep myself well educated and very valuable to my employers. My wife did not work while she raised our two children.

I am in superb health and employed in an executive position and my employer appears to be happy with me. I can't work forever, don't want to, but constantly fight a depression so deep that suicide appears to be a practical option to retiring with marginal income.

Most of my colleagues have or are planning retirement, all with either Government or large company traditional pensions.

I live in a fearful funk that I know is straining my health - my bet is my life will do to me what needs to be done. Not sure where to turn. No one in similar situation.

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Took early retirement at 62 regretfully
by: sherry

I took early retirement to take care of a couple health issues. One is fixed and the copd is here to stay. Only getting worse being home all the time . Felt better working but my hospital job consisted of heavy lifting.

Have lived in this town 5 years. No friends to mention of really. My husband of 2 years has cancer but is able to do things. I can’t change how he sits 24/7 watching tv but I can change my own situation or at least I hope. No extra money to get out living on my s.s. Part time jobs are scarce but I feel that if I don’t get back to work it’s going to kill me.

I am in a very bad funk and now can’t make myself get out . Nothing enjoyable. I’m grateful to have insurance and my husband has a kind soul but I’m unhappy.

Have one sister and we don’t talk. Plus she lives 8 hours away.

You will be fine
by: Anonymous

Dear Scared: Yes, I have the nerve to dare to say to you that you will be fine when you retire. You will still have your health, are well educated, and have felt a sense of value at work.

Even if you had tons of money when you retire, that is not what is going to give you a love of life.

Being scared can force us to make changes, especially when we have lived a life where our daily work has defined us. When we are comfortable and safe, we are less likely to grow and dare anything. Easier to vegetate.

You are fathoms more than just a job. We live in a universe of unconditional love and when we trust it and ask for what we need magical things can happen.

Post a photo of yourself on the refrigerator that represents you when you felt most in touch with life and living . That person is still in you. Call him forth. And consider making an appt with a recommended counselor the minute you retire. This can help immeasurably and doesn't have to cost much. You are loved, you will be fine. Trust it.

by: Wendy,

Please write to me via Contact Wendy (top navigation bar)... let's talk.

I would BET there are options for you -- and many of them too! I would love to discuss your issues and help you see the light.

Your finances may not be what you imagined, but I bet you are better off than you guess. As you think and rethink your finances, it just gets worse and worse. You need clarity... you have the answers, you just can't think them out in this state.

Please write to me.

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