Senior Pen Pals... and Life!

by Terry Baker
(England UK)

Just thought I would share my recent experiences with the readers on here . I retired years ago from farming a hard but rewarding life!

I was married to a truly marvelous woman for 45 years, we enjoyed each others company laughed every day. Then Lady Luck decided I had it too good and decided to test me, first with a major fire at the farm that did £250 000 of damage caused by malicious arsonist.

Just recovering from the stress of that when my wife was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer... I won't go into the details of nursing her until she died last year, but suffice to say it was a very dark place to be.

All through these traumatic experiences I wrote to pen friends, some indeed were contacts from this site! I cannot even start to tell you how they helped and how grateful I will always be to them.

Instead of slipping deeper into the pit of despair I agreed to go to the Philippines to celebrate the 65th birthday of one good pen pal.

I had not had a holiday in 8 years so this seemed a good idea. The result was brilliant! We have become extremely fond of each other and I am staying for another 3 weeks in glorious weather. This lovely lady has now agreed to visit the UK this summer watch this space!

I am only recounting my experiences to show readers that its never too late, I am a fit 74 year old, my advice has always been... never miss an opportunity.

No regrets when the last bus stops for you ok?

Terry B

Wendy: WOW.. Terry, Kudos to you for taking the road to mental wellness, simply by chatting and opening yourself up to others. It's far too easy to take the other road, dark and sad, and withdraw from others. Instead, simply via pen pals and the written word - you helped to heal yourself with simple old-fashioned friendship! So happy for you!

Comments for Senior Pen Pals... and Life!

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by: Helen.

Hi Terry ,I lost my husband of forty years, nine months ago and I feel so lost without him, I am so pleased you are getting your life back and looking forward once again, I am so lucky to have my family around me they have been so wonderful and helped me to keep going, but does this terrible heartache ever go away, best wishes for the furure Helen.

by: Margo

that was beautiful... love to get to know you

Married to my best friend in Texas
by: Marilynn

So sorry for your loss Terry. I am glad to hear you have met someone new to fill the void. When you have been with someone for that long, it is difficult to know what to do with yourself after losing them.

I am a nurse and I deal with cancer patients every day and I see how much their loved ones care and how hard it is to give them up.

The reason I got on this site is because my husband and I want to come to the UK and spend several months there sight seeing and just living the British life. Both my husband and my ancestors came from England and we are very proud of that. My husbands last name is Fowler and my maiden name was Dotson.

Maybe you could tell us some nice areas to get an apartment in outskirts of London. I hope you continue to heal and find comfort in friends and family.

Marilynn from Texas

Wendy: Join the Retirement Community -- then search the MEMBERS page for England or UK, you will find lots of members there who might help you!

Senior Pen Pals
by: Retired Traveller

So glad you reached out to others after the awful curves life had thrown your way. You were open to life and life was open to you.

I hope many blessings come to you - sounds like you have a heap of happiness coming your way!


Stay Positive
by: Bernaline

I guess the best to say is...never give up...stay positive. Take stock a year from now and see where you've been.

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