Seniors in Retirement.

by Julie Grenness

Do we ever really become seniors?

Here, my day begins. I greet the morning with grin. Like my boomer friends and family, I enjoy good coffee, a light nostalgia for slimmer hips. Really, we are doing okay, now we have turned into grey Garfields, wanting mainly coffee and naps.
As seniors in retirement, we are glad we are old. The alternative is worse. Growing older for some of our generation was not a given.

These days, our growing up is still optional. We are only as old as we feel. Questionable, by 9 pm. We are all experiencing the normal hiccups in our senior years. For example, my upcoming mammogram will examine two genuine antiques.

As seniors in retirement, we recycle our teens. Some are in the dating game, some are not. I can title myself, "Fun the Nun." Our love life may have decreased, but our fat cells linger, eternal, infinite, permeating, a mystery. Arthritis cream springs to mind.

Seniors in retirement do hang on to our driver's license. Our photo ID demonstrates that we are old enough now to drive a car, but no more acne. Yah! We are not really in our ageing years, we can say we are the sperm that won!

We are in our wonder years now. We can spend valuable time wondering. "Where are my car keys?" "Where did I put my glasses?" "Whoops, they are on my head!" Or worse, "I am sitting on them." "Wonder where my phone is?" God will give us all the senility to forget all this stuff, and the folk we never liked.

Seniors in retirement can wear what they like. We no longer care what they say about us. We had the best flares, and the greatest music. We jive to Musak at the shopping centers. We know all the words to all those tunes, imprinted in our brains. Further to this, we wake up with stiff joints, cause we rolled them all.

For seniors in retirement, a friend with benefits means someone who can drive at night. Then she turns down the radio to see better. More arthritis cream! Excuse me, I am writing a senior's to do list, then I shall who else can do it all. Delegate in retirement.

We can listen, ignore and forget all at once. Too easy. Do not let this retirement ageing drag us down!

Comments for Seniors in Retirement.

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by: Loyce, California

I daily practice GRATITUDE for a Warm House, friends and I repeat positive affirmations and reach out routinely to my 85 year old loner neighbor.

I volunteer at the local Senior Center and help spread the news about non-profits on local radio and social media.

I offer up a book exchange for neighbors and Try to connect with neighbors as I believe in strengthening The Community for our overall safety/protection peace of mind.

Know your Neighbors.

Aged but not Old
by: William, HI

It all sounds more scientific than spiritual, considering your fulfilled Commandments and Methuselah; which lived some 900yrs without re-grate. Considering you believe you've fulfilled your Commandments, your spirit will resend all pain and life begins. Fulfilling your Commandments is what makes you immortal; believing in Jesus make you everlasting.

by: Anonymous

That was amazingly concise as a poem, but as easy to read as a children's story. I would buy a book of this if I could.

If you want to do it - Just do it!
by: Michael - Upstate NY for the summer!

It's all about perspective.

I think a Judi Dench character said that she was "a young person in an old person's body."

I look at my Dad who is 87 and he still rakes the leaves, mows the lawn, shovels the snow, plays tennis, and due to my Mom's new physical limitations, he now does the housework and shopping. My Nana and her sisters all drove well into their 90's.

I have learned from these "elders" that you keep doing because you can and whoever told you that you couldn't do something?

I am facing 57 next month. I have had two pimples over the past two weeks. Maybe I'm finally hitting puberty?

I'm planning to live until 109. Why?

Why not?

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