Seriously... Old Men, Grumpy Ones!

Are they all cut from the same mold?

As per the dude that is obviously lazy and sits on his behind all day whose response back indicates he thinks he deserves that kind of lifestyle for "supporting" his wife over the years. HA!

You ask me it makes sense that people can't watch a person sit around and waste life while they want to HAVE one. For the first time ever, it MIGHT be possible to take up some hobbies, travel, pull some weight into the territory of overloading women.

As for me, my husband retired, and I just have to ignore him or lose my mind. Same thing: getting upset over nonsense, not pulling his weight in assisting with ANYTHING.

Not only am I the one working for extra money around here, but I'm also the cook, cleaner, and person who repairs everything.

Dumb butt sits in front of a monitor of one kind or another trolling online because dishing out the negativity is a thing.

Good luck to the rest of you! I'm hoping to make an escape.

Comments for Seriously... Old Men, Grumpy Ones!

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I get it
by: Anonymous

My husband overreacts whenever I show the very slightest degree of irritation. Yet he snaps at me frequently. Sometimes I get the silent treatment.

Also an unresolved issue from the past has been triggered. He said he didn't believe I had a trauma from my past. Didn't believe it happened. I don't care if he believes me anymore.

I would have to say he does the lion's share of the yard work; however, I had no choice in the decision to move to this house with a big yard.

He seems to hate my cooking, but he never tells me what he wants to eat.

Still waiting for conformation
by: William, HI, USA

William, Retired

     Any one male can make things harder for the next guy to make a positive communication to women.  Even though you chose one another in the beginning only means you're to help one another as far as you can in this world to prepare yourself for the next.   

     All of us would like to make it to heaven on the first try, but some of us will need reincarnation, or a second chance.  You; on the other hand have made the sacrifice on the first try.

You are correct in your escape.  

Thank You;  William

Seriously...Old Men, Grumpy Ones!
by: Sherry/ NC

Remember why you married him; was love in the
We all need love and no one I know is perfect.

Merry Christmas!

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