Spring Rebirth!

by Ricardo

Well, all you lovers of spring, Ricardo has some thoughts on the freshness of spring that fills our world and our lives, each year about this time.

As I have aged, this time of year I feel to be like a rebirth, a time to start over with a clean slate...forget about yesterday, last week, last year, THEY ARE GONE, NEVER to reappear!

We all have a new opportunity to start over, to try again, to smell the spring flowers, to nurture, to revitalize, to plant fresh thoughts and watch them blossom into realities and accomplishments.

With proper care seeds/plants grow when nurtured properly as do our lives.

Spring brings all these possibilities to the forefront, let's ALL put them to good productive use in our lives as we embrace spring and all that it offers...WELCOME SPRING!

Comments for Spring Rebirth!

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by: Irwin Lengel

Couldn't agree with you more Ricardo.

It's as though Mother Nature knows we need a change from the humdrum life we sometimes endure during winter and "Walla" Spring appears with new growth in our gardens and the flowers.

I just went down to the mailbox to pick up our mail and noticed not only does our Hibiscus plant have one or two blooms on it but our gardenia plant has one open flower and six more blossoms that will open before weeks' end.

At the moment as I am typing this I am looking out over our lake and see a bright sunny day. Tomorrow may bring rain (as it is called for) but today I feel alive and renewed.

Thanks for reminding us how great Spring is.

Exactly How I Feel
by: Wendy, Retirement Enthusiast/Coach

As you might remember, I retired Mid-April... only gave two weeks notice after 37 years! ;)

I wanted out. Didn't want to miss another spring or summer. I felt renewed.

I feel renewed right now.

Maybe its simply getting past the dark days of winter, watching the green buds coming up from the earth, buds on trees again, many promises of life!

Yes, spring is rebirth to me!

Thanks Rikk!

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