Starting over
by Sheila
(Cambridge Ontario Canada)
I wasn't exactly retired because I had never worked outside the home full time, but when my husband was forced to retire at 62 it was a depressing time for both of us. Too much time together and not enough to do.
I made my way to our city's Volunteer Bureau and asked for work.
Having taken note of my writing in the local papers, the lady suggested I write a newsletter for a disabled group that needed communication. I did that and got my husband to help. Together we published that newsletter, even made copies on an old Gestetner machine, and had lots of fun. From there, we attended the group's monthly meetings, helping where we could and socializing with those who needed conversation or just a pat on the back.
I can't tell you how much good this did for us both. Later we moved into a seniors' facility and were right at home, helping in the same ways.
My husband died in 2011, but I'm never lonely. There are many seniors here who need that conversation or just a pat on the back. I am wealthy beyond all imagining.
Wendy: WOW.. Kudos to you, Sheila! Imagine that - a woman who is a mostly housewife gal, who goes into publishing a newsletter. I love it!
Better yet, you pulled your husband into the adventure and you both had FUN with it! We all need purpose, not necessarily a "job" but purpose to give us a reason to get out of bed each day! You did that really nicely since you served a need out there in your local community too!
Sounds like you are a very sensible gal, even after his death, you know how to serve your community even with simple chatting.
Keep On Going! You are doing great work!