Staying Positive, Returning to College

by Gail
(Fresno, CA USA)

Well, my story is this year, I hit the big one, birthday, that is.

I have been retired for going on 9 years now, and so far, so good!

I even have enrolled to go back to college. Mind you, I haven't been in college for a very long, long time. I left college back then to pursue court reporting. I had a successful career and earned a pension.

So here I am, wanting to try something new, which happens to be a musical passion of mine.

I would love to hear from someone else who went back to school and how you survived it. Did you enjoy it? Was it intimidating maybe being the "oldest" one in the classroom?

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Music is Art
by: William HI, USA

You can probably find courses on what you want on the Internet for a lot less.  There are also master classes you can take for a little more. 

I watch lots of AGT, and BGT always looking for mew people and voices. No matter what instrument I'm here for the voice, and I know you must have a great if not magnificent voice. 

If you have a Gofundme account, I will donate just to hear your voice someday.

Art last forever.

Thank You; William

Absolutely thrilled for you!
by: Wendy, Retirement Enthusiast/Coach

What a go-getter! Go for it, for sure, whether you take music lessons at college or elsewhere. It will be fun and get your creativity flowing!

My husbands passion has always been music.
Imagine my surprise when I heard him say "I'll play guitar whenever needed" to the church music director.

I almost fell off the chair. He was maybe 30, had an old teenage guitar stuffed under the bed, unused since he was 18!

BUT Terry plays by ear, and does it well. He plays monthly at four different churches as many churches like to rotate people to give people a break and allow all to serve. Pretty cool!

My problem now is... I have this cute blue cabin waiting for me, and he has to (wants to) play every Sunday! Its all good.

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