Teacher Forced into Retirement at 58
by Kacey
(New Orleans)
As a teacher, I lived for my high school students. The week before school began I was involved with an involuntary transfer after 24.5 years experience with 12 years at my last school. The school district began a squeeze of older more expensive teachers.
I had taken advantage of all improvement opportunities which led to me costing the district a larger salary than peers. We were forced to interview with a different principal. My principal chose to keep people she had gone to school with. I came from a different state and was shocked to be questioned about school loyalties.
The year before, I was four blocks from my home and often would walk. I was sent across town to an elementary school and was forced to buy a new reliable car. The worst part is that I DO NOT LIKE LITTLE KIDS AND AND WAS ASSIGNED AN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. THE PRINCIPAL MADE IT HER POINT TO MAKE MY LIFE HELL.
She was a flip-flop wearing, fake finger nail, outdated hairstyle nut that did not have one professional bone in her body! Nothing I did all year was good enough and I had six different teaching assignments that year.
I was told I would not be given a high school but must return to the elementary school or I could retire. I could not have physically gone through another year of little kids so I was forced to retire.
At 58, I could have worked five more years to get to 30 years and about $1500 more annually for each of the five years or about $7500 more annually when I turn 63. I now feel scared about my future. I am a single lady who must count on every penny.
I fear this forced retirement will short change me for the rest of my life! All of my adult life had been dealing with teens and now my life is empty!
Wendy: Please Please do not take this retirement negatively from the get go... Please think Positive on what you can still offer your community!
You have many opportunities ahead of you. You can still work with teens at some type of youth program in your area... seek them out. You could volunteer and they later hire you, after seeing your passion for helping teens (something *I* personally couldn't do). Use your gift...