The 100-Day Project

by Jeanne Savelle
(Atlanta, GA, USA)

Good morning, Retirees.

I started a new project from a challenge put forth by one of my fellow coaches. She challenged us to choose an action to commit to for 100-days.

It could be anything: walking the dog, calling a friend, writing music, cooking, cleaning up email, whatever. I chose to write something every day, just a short musing, and post the weeks notes on Medium. I had stopped writing there and wanted to start up again so I thought of this as an easy way to re-start. Here is the link if you are interested.

I challenge you to take up your own 100-Day Project and post it here. You can make it a 50-day project if you want, or a 10-day project. Just try it and let us know how it goes.

Comments for The 100-Day Project

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Amazing Joe!
by: Jeanne Savelle/Atlanta

Joe, You are so inspiring! It's wonderful how you have taken something that started small and created a fulfilling outlet for yourself and a way to help others. Bravo!

Retirement Project
by: Joe W.

I like the 100-Day Project (Joe Biden Project). Participating will probably determine what your interests, values and thoughts are with respect to having something meaningful to do in your new retirement lifestyle.

Personally, I started my 100-Day Project back in 2005. I decided to go to my local public library on a daily basis for at least 100-Days.

I developed a focus on the 50+ demographic and specifically about the topics of lifelong learning, financial literacy, and senior entrepreneurship.

Then, to really get me going a read the only book written and self-published by the KFC Colonel Harland Sanders. The Colonel believed that seniors should work until they died and NOT spend retirement with 100% leisure activities.

Ten years later I am working on the Seniorpreneur Project which I now spend time daily and still have time for hobbies and leisure activities in my retirement.

Treat the 100-Day project as your personal runway with the hope that you will gain enough work experience to take off with something meaningful that also brings you some purpose and much happiness in your life.

Good Luck!

Joe W.

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