Things To Do if You Feel Like Nothing is Working Today ...
by Ken McArthur
Are you at the End of YOUR Rope? Free book, bottom of page!
This was a Facebook Post by Ken McArthur and I asked for permission to post here. Please read to the end -- and if you are someone who is at the end of your rope, please go to the website and download the free book. I did.
Ken is the real deal and makes a Huge Impact on the World.
Pick an item below and do it today! Thanks! Wendy
Things to do if you feel like nothing is working today ...
1. Call a friend.
2. Change your surroundings.
3. Sing a song.
4. Realize that even if you don't survive, you will get through this.
5. Tell someone you love them.
6. Give a gift.
7. Volunteer for something.
8. Scream at the top of your lungs until you can't scream any more.
9. Pray
10. Remember a time that was good.
11. Forgive someone.
12. Give something up.
13. Do something on your bucket list.
14. Drive.
15. Listen to great music.
16. Encourage someone.
17. Meditate.
18. Read a good book.
19. Make something beautiful.
20. Get a dog.
21. Write a poem.
22. Change jobs.
23. Eat ice cream.
24. Take a walk.
25. Take a day off.
26. Forgive yourself.
Get started right now. And remember ...
The key to feeling better yourself, is making someone else feel better.You can do that right now by sharing the link below with someone who is at the end of their rope. It will make them feel better and you will too!
Just send them to: