Think Hard Before Retiring
by Sally
(Chula Vista, CA)
Retirement is only enjoyable if you have no financial worries, plenty of money, your health, and endless activities you love to do.
You'll also need friends who love doing what you do -- as well as have the money and time.
As with anything in life, the newness of retirement eventually wears off. Then you'll be challenged to keep a good sense of self with the feeling of "belonging" because once that wains, loneliness, sadness and depression sets in.
Then you'll have too much time to "think" and you may even begin to envy those who have jobs. The realization hits you that even if you wanted to work again, you're not the youngster everyone wanted to hire back in the hay days. So you might settle for a minimum wage job with kids young enough to be your great grand children -- although that might be better than listening to a bunch of old people complaining about their aches and pains.
Friends and family will start dropping off one by one faster and faster. Funerals will become life's main event.
My advice is if you have a decent job you like when the choice of retirement comes along, stay with the job unless you absolutely hate it. Either way, stay as physically and mentally active for as log as you can.
Think hard and get good advice when you do consider retiring.