Top Ten Reasons to Retire by Elinor
by Elinor Nuxoll
1- Forced to retire, that is, downsized out of a job.
2- Stress from the job because of increasing workload, change of shifts, relocation to another area.
3- Health problems of the worker or family. Being needed as caregiver.
4- Disability making person unable to work and eligible for retirement benefits - Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, etc.
5- Age: Making person eligible for Social Security at 62, or at age when eligible for full benefits (66? 67?)
6- Disaster such as flood, storm damage, loss of home. Or need to relocate to be near a parent or child who is disabled and needs help.
7- Retiring to start new career or own buainess.
8- Retiring to enjoy hobbies, family, or travel.
9- Burned out, just want to relax.
10- Won the lottery or inherited a fortune. Want to have fun spending it.