by Wendy
Terry and I took a friend to the VA in Ann Arbor, MI this week. I was totally amazed at this VA Hospital... it was not dark and dirty, like you hear many are. This VA setting was so nice! People (both staff and the veterans waiting for appointments) were friendly. Appointments were taken ON TIME (heck, you don't see that at any doctor offices that I visit). It was so well run, despite all the traffic (veterans needing help, appointments, answers...)
At one point, a man carried a basket of oranges around and handed them out... when he returned with the second full basket, I asked "Does the VA pass out oranges?" He replied "No, staff does this... we try to pass them out 2-3 times a week." Seriously? WOW... again, full of gratitude for all the VA Staffers and all the volunteers that help make this a wonderful experience for Vets.
I also gained a new appreciation for Vets. As many of you know, we lost a 21-year old family member 5 years ago when he stepped on a bomb his first few months of service.... so I get the sacrifice of military servicemen and women.
The majority were using walkers, wheelchairs and scooters, both young and old. Many were missing limbs. One man was lying on a half-bed, which was like an extended scooter that he manipulated, as he had no legs at all. His body ended somewhere below the hips. WOW. What a sacrifice he made...
If you have small problems in life, seek help. Write in a Gratitude Journal to see al your blessings and stop feeling bad about life. If you are well enough to be out in your community, please get out there.
You are retired -- but you are still able to help others. PAY LIFE FORWARD -- buy someone coffee, cut your working neighbors grass, volunteer at a VA Hospital near you, just get out and help someone today. Please.
Finally -- if you see a veteran somewhere, always say "Thank you for your service." I heard that phrase over and over at the VA!
Sending Retirement Hugs!
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