Visit Ukraine
by Dave
(Mason, MI, USA)
Hi, I'm 66 years old and I've found travel to be my thing. Experiencing someplace new is invigorating and connects me with the color and texture of life.
I'm a widower so I travel alone but I meet good people everywhere. I stay in small apartments or hostels, tote a backpack and carry a good city map... and I've had some amazing adventures.
In eastern Europe the beer is cheaper than water and small apartments are 12 bucks a night...Of course, my kind of travel isn't for everyone but it might work for you.
I've had a lot of older people tell me, Oh, I could never do something like that and when I ask them why they don't have an answer. Well, the answer is fear...the great inhibitor.
Now is our time and I suggest we take full advantage of it! Yes, boats in a harbor are safe but that's not what boats were built for.
Good luck and maybe I'll see you in Tallinn...