
by Wayne

I have now been retired 18 months, at first it was great, do what you want when you want.

I soon {at about 14 months) noticed I was doing nothing and constantly questioning my health.

Although I'm 69 years old I led a very active life. Played football, played basketball, hunted, fished, hiked, camped, just about did it all.

Now I wake up in the mornings drink my coffee, watch the news, and feel like its time for a nap. I have done this long enough now that my physical ability to do things is leaving me.

I have no desire to do anything except worry about my health, its on my mind 24/7. I have never really been sick in my life so I dont understand why this is in my head.

I lost both parents very shortly before retiring which made things tough. I am married to a wonderful woman that tries to help but shes at work all day.


Comments for Wayne

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by: Anonymous

Hey Wayne,

I just want to say that sometimes I take the bus to a new place and try walking there. I like it, it is kind of like exploring. Something odd and unexpected often seems to happen on walks.

Today I am figuring out how to take the bus, then walk, to get new batteries for my calculator. The store is somewhere I don't usually enjoy walking, so I am going PAST the store on the bus, and then walking back to the store. Then I will probably reverse the course.

Wayne is here and listening
by: Wayne

Thanks much to all posters. I have started going for morning walks and they seem to help alot.

Thanks everyone for your help.

Where is Wayne?
by: Sal

I hope Wayne reads all these suggestions! He shall be bored no more!

Better get out and moving before those health problems become a reality! Golf is an excellent past time too, even if you hate golf.

Key is finding new friends to kick around with and have fun. Some "alone time" is healthy, but not too much. Nothing lifts the spirit more than laughter.

Well okay...money comes in second.😜😂

by: LZ canada

Hi Wayne, I’m much like you only I’m a newbie at retirement. I’m only 63 & a breast cancer survivor. I was going to return to work by this past September but ended up retiring due to my health.

Now I’m regretting it. I don’t know what to do with my time. The suggestions given are good. Getting out of the house is important.

I wish I had gone back to work even for a short time but it’s too late now. I hope I can get motivated soon to do something

by: Anonymous

I want to thank you all for your ideas, to start with I'm surprised so many entered comments. I am going to start trying some of them asap, like right now.

Thanks again to all.

Starbucks in the morning!
by: Sal

Wayne, Instead of having coffee at home alone in the morning, why not drive yourself to the nearest Starbucks for coffee?

Bring along a laptop or tablet or just the newspaper, order your coffee, sit down at a table and stay awhile. Observe while pretending to be busy on your gadgets.

Be friendly. Strike up a conversation if you feel like it. You'll be surprised at how many friendly, interesting people you'll meet.

Retirees often visit Starbucks in the morning and many will have the same thoughts and feelings as you do -- in a rut, bored, worried, etc. wanting to mingle. If you go a few times, you'll notice many of the same people showing up. Sometimes a group of people form called the "regulars" It is worth a shot.

If one place isn't happening, go to another. This is a great way to spend your mornings for a few laughs.

Best part- No commitments!

Get off your keister
by: John A. / Tyler, Tx

The problem with doing nothing is that you don't know when you are finished.

It's time to get out of the vegetable patch and get out and do something. Volunteer, find another job, start a business, write or do whatever floats your boat. Just don't sit on your keister doing nothing. You already know what that does to your mind by thinking about health problems. The ball is in your court, Bud.

what to do?
by: Anonymous

The activities you used to do that you described required thinking while moving. May I respectfully suggest that maybe you would now be ready for something that does not require thinking while moving? For example, a circuit training class at a local community college or y? Maybe just walking a couple miles each way to a coffee shop?

The reason I say this is I was a PE community college teacher, planning every 15 seconds of classes and doing most of them along with the students.

Now I want to NOT THINK while I exercise, so I am going to take a circuit class that is 1/2 cardio, 1/2 weights, and let somebody else plan it and keep track of time and reps, etc.

I DO enjoy my STROLLS to the coffee shop with faster walking on the slightly uphill slope return home. I can take 2 or so hours to do it. Often on the way back I stop at the grocery store, bank, or post office.

I alway have a back pack with me . Most often my 8 pound dog goes with me, and retreats into the back pack while I am at Jack in the Box having my senior coffee for 50 cents.

Yup, My memory goes back that far
by: Tom Damron

Fact: I’m now in my 28th year of retirement. Mine started akin to your until I took over control and kissed Retirement goodbye.

I started by going the the local driving range and pounding the ground. I met some guys like me and we found that we weren’t golfers but we were experts at breakfast and lunch—never dinner—our wives were home from work.

When we didn’t meet to polish our fine points of eating, I went to the library and learned what was up in other cities around the World. One morning I saw an ad for a Writing Class at the local junior college. I enrolled. The instructor wove fantastic stories about the satisfaction of putting words on paper.

That was 18 years ago and I still put words on paper daily. I have been published in several venues, I meet new people online when they write and comment on my stories.

All my eating friends are above me now watching my every move and, in spirit are urging me on. My wife has stood with them since last January.

Even being alone can deliver interesting challenges but only if you — Take control. Once control is yours, every day is a fun day. It is yours to accept and control. Go for it!


One Thought
by: Wendy, retirement-online.com

Get out of the house. Now. Please!

Go anywhere, Do anything, just don't stay there thinking about it.

Gooooo! Get your mind and body moving!

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