Wendy won an award: SBI Tortoise of the Week! :)
by Wendy, Retirement Enthusiast/Coach
SBI Mascot, the SBI Tortoise!
Guess what? I won an award from the Solo Build It! website provider that I've used since 2004! Can you believe that's just three years shy of TWENTY YEARS with SBI? That's crazy!
The tortoise is our mascot and hero -- slow and steady wins the race! That's how we build our sites -- to be found and to help others, not through devious or scammy ways.
Solo Build It! for Retirees
This is part of the announcement from the email to other SBIers:
Announcing a Very Special Tortoise of the Week!
"Wendy Fisher of Retirement Online has been an enthusiastic and committed SBIer for many years, growing her online business by using her positive, energetic spirit to help her loyal followers come to terms with the shock of retirement.
We can’t think of anyone more suited to receive this extraordinary part of Solo Build It!’s history!
Wendy, congratulations on your first Tortoise of the Week award! There’s a special forum post from Help Elf just for you!"
Now I will say I don't understand, in the least, this NFT thing. I had to apply for an online "wallet," whatever that means, but -- I am so grateful for the recognition.
I also got three months added to my SoloBuildIt year! Woot. That's got a value of $90.
Happy Retiree Here!
Heck! Happy SBIer for nearly 20 years!
Solo Build It! for Retirees
p.s. I just had to return to this post to add the image of the SBI tortoise. This image is meaningful to me, because my first boss at the County, Joe Zacharzewski, used to always ask me: "What does the tortoise do?" I'd reply: "He stuck his neck out". I laugh now -- but Joe knew back then (in the 70s) I was introverted... he was trying to get me to understand and be a bit more out there. I am today! (though still introverted) -- Thanks Joe!