Why are we always so busy?
by Irwin Lengel
This morning as I sit here pondering on what to write about for my next article, I think of how busy we sometimes are and wonder why that is? After all, we have been retired now since 1996 which means we have had twenty plus years to do all that we had wanted to do. But in searching for the answer I came across a quote by Henry David Thoreau which asks a similar question. The quote reads as follows:
“It’s not enough to be busy, so are the ants. The question is: What are we busy about?” – Henry David Thoreau
While I try to read a different quote each morning and then see if it is applicable to the day I have planned, this quote pops up often primarily because I am constantly asking myself why I do the things I do each day.
When home and we leave the house for our line dance practice – I know the reason why we do it. The reasons are two-fold: One because we need the exercise but secondly and probably the main reason is because it is fun to do. While at times we say to ourselves – gee is today Line Dancing practice again – especially on rainy days – most days we look forward to it because it is also a time to socialize with many of our friends.
There was a time I used to start my day by entering one quote or another in my journal but I have gotten away from that and it is a habit I would much prefer to get back to. It enables me to put whatever is happening in life for us on that particular day in a truer perspective especially if the quote is one that is somewhat profound. Just another way to reflect on why I’m doing the things I do each day.
Why would this quote be applicable on most days? It’s an effort to try to reflect on why I’m doing the things that I do each day. For instance, while I would like to be writing articles for an income – the joy I get possibly inspiring people on their life journey and doing so in a way that brings a smile to their face at the same time is all the true satisfaction I need.
We could ask similar questions about most of what we do any given day. For instance – why do I do the dishes other than to help my wife with some of her chores? To assist in keeping the house clean just in case, someone does drop by to share a cup of coffee with us. In doing these chores, I am assured that chances are when I need certain things around the house, I will know where to go to get them because, in addition to being a routine type person, I am a stickler for “a place for everything and everything in its place.”
How does each day go when following this philosophy? In my opinion, pretty good. By asking these things of most everything I do, every task I lay out for myself takes on a meaningful purpose. Why is this important? Mainly because following this philosophy, the task itself becomes important as I know why I am doing it and how it’s really and truly benefiting my life no matter how dull and insignificant the task may seem.
Having a list of things to accomplish on a daily basis that also keep one balanced in their every day lives is inspirational as it gives our lives the motivation needed to live each day to the fullest. And if your days are like ours are, at the end of each day we feel like - well - life is good. Besides, we all need inspiration every now and then as it pertains to our life and what we are doing on a daily basis. Otherwise one would say: What's the point? And who wants to go through life with that attitude?
Until next time!