Why is it so hard to find online penpals who are genuine? I

by Jan

I've been retired for sometime now and mainly love it. But it's the lonliness which is now getting to me. All my real old friends have died.

I really love email pals but it is so hard to find genuine ones.

I've tried advertising on some sites and end up with loads from countries like Africa who seem to want money, or eastern European countries who want relationships. I just want online friendship!

I particularly like one-to-one emails.

Not romance, not sex, not money, just friendship with with either men or women.

Comments for Why is it so hard to find online penpals who are genuine? I

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Dear genuine
by: Anonymous

There are a lot of good people out there. But you put the word senior out there they think we're easy marks.

I been on here trying to find someone to talk to make a new friend. I love people But with all that's going around me. I feel like I'm caged.

I've been turning to God a lot but I think he's tried of hearing me. It would be nice to have a penpal. I think the whole world is lonely.

Don't give up. I planted one of my friends today. I know how hard it is to let them go.

Wendy: Go Here: https://community.retirement-online.com/ == register and I will approve you in! Real people, safe, and willing to be pals!

by: Barbara/Qld.Australia

I agree with most comments, why then do we not wrIite to each other instead of being lonely. I take keyboard classes and volunteer at our local museum, and love it. I am 83 yrs old lifes too short not to enjoy every day.

Click on Community to the RIGHT... Join there and find many to write to in a safe environment.

I agree
by: Betty / Japan

I, myself have tried to find and make pen friends but they all ended up to be NOT the kind of friends I'm looking for. I hope I find some genuine ones this time or someday soon.

Understand the problem
by: Lois from Washington

Like many others I have often tried to find pen pals and have discovered how difficult it is. How I long for the olden days when we could just post an ad on this site and get responses. Now I find it extremely difficult to locate pen pals through having to use the search and post method now used. How can we ever make contact when we can't work through all the red tape.

Wendy: So sorry but I have to maintain the security of the site... you can join the private community (right side of site), then hit the PEN PAL tab and either write to someone there, or add your own ad there). It's really easy.

I think I've got it
by: Susan/CA

I think I figured it out!

IN THE PRIVATE COMMUNITY: For messages from one person to another:

Go to your "my page" and click on "inbox". You will see a pencil icon in the top right corner of the inbox. I think it's also labeled "compose".

When you click on that icon it will open a page to send a personal message to anyone you chose from your "friend" list. If the person isn't on your friend list yet, you can send an invite from your "my page".

That icon is directly below the "inbox" link. I think I'm on to something and I hope it works : )

Join the community at: www.community.retirement-online.com

by: Loyce!/Auburn/CA

Every generation has its ups/downs;challenges; joys/sorrows and as adults we choose to take up the challenge or not and, hopefully, we prevail with satisfaction/enjoyment,pleasure.

And YES, "retirement" is a transition requiring the ability to adapt because adapting is what we all choose to embrace when we choose life.

Hi Jan (UK)
by: Anita

I keep on looking around this site to try and find a way of connecting with yourself privately, but I too must be ignorant because I have had no luck.

Perhaps there is no method!! If there is then perhaps Wendy could help us to get together, or if anybody else has discovered the way I would be forever grateful!!


Join the community -- two smiling faces to the right

loneliness in retirement
by: Cynthia in Australia

I understand what you are saying. I joined the Wendy's penpal list and only got one reply. It appears that no one wants to write to a retiree. I too get very lonely as I am quite shy around people face to face but have no trouble writing to people. I am 80 years old and a widow of many years. I have just moved into an over 50 village but am too shy to make new friends. I would be happy to writ to you. Regards Cyndy

Hi Jan (UK)
by: Anita

Thank you for considering me as a Penpal. I agree with you regarding how to get in touch with anyone.

I tried to trace you without any luck, so hopefully someone with have the answer.

I would be happy to give you my email address but apparently that isnot a good idea in this open site.

Hope we can get together eventually!

Anita (anon)

by: Wendy

This is the link to the Retirement Community.

You cannot find friends unless you join the community as it's simply not safe to post email addresses online. I did that years ago... no more.

So sorry. I feel the need to keep retirees safe, since this is my site, I use the Community alone now.


by: Your Name/Location

Maybe my problem is unique, but I have no idea how to navigate this site.

Reply to Jan on Penpaling
by: Jomilt

Hi Jan..

I'd love to have you as a pal.. I live in Texas and I enjoy e-mail paling.. I am a dependable gal who does write back and keep up with my letters..

I tried to get back to you but couldn't get your name to accept a letter...so I'll do it this way..

Have a good afternoon and hope to hear from you..


Hullo Jan
by: Ewan/ChCh/New Zealand

How are you? Let me tell you my situation - I think we have had some contact - I think you are in the UK - My health condition is pretty static - I have remitting/relapsing MS and get by at home alone quite happily with regular visits from a district nurse who give me bladder washouts every couple of days and some other stuff and pills I get for a range of other medical things - I walk down to the local chemist and get these pills which I foregot to get the other day and the chemist is ringing and telling me to come down to pick them up

Which reminds me I should head off, better have breakfast, Weetbix and Soy Milk first a cup of coffee is not enough so by by for now
Ewan in NZ

Help please.
by: Jan, UK

I've had a couple of interesting replies to my plea for online penpals. Particulary from Anita (anonymous) and Ewan (New Zealand.). What I cannot figure out is how I now contact them personally.
Help, please?
(Please excuse my ignorance!)

Friendship 101
by: Joe W.

Retirement Online is a wonderful place to start to find some meaningful friendships. After this site I would recommend Facebook and Twitter depending of course on what your interests or hobbies are.
Go For It!

Joe W.

by: Anonymous

Hi Jan (UK)

Please do try me!I am also UK, But I am very happy to be an email penpal without requesting any money!

I retired many years ago, and am now semi disabled and not able to get about too much. Still quite able to type letters, to email friends.

I have found this site somewhat difficult to work my way around, but with a luck this reply to you could work well.

Hope we can get together?


Wendy: Join the community and connect with pals!

I like epals as well and are looking
by: Ewan/ChCh/New Zealand

I am a man in his 60's looking to email with similar aged people - man or woman - I am not looking for love or money just a person to email with - I born in 1955 you can work out how old I am I allways foreget - I have remitting/relapsing MS and are largely home bound although can walk to the shops and get the bus to the Mall when I can be bothered I love this site that Wendy has put together - If anybody wants to reply that would be good -


Retired pals
by: Wendy

Email pals have too many distractions. There are so many distracting things on your computer and its easy to find new people to connect with, or new programs, sites, etc. The list goes on and on.

It was different years ago when we wrote postal letters. People still quit writing to their pals, its simply a choice of time or comittment. Today, it just happens 10x as we distracted from almost anything in life. RIght?

Join the Retirement Community, NOW, before you will pay a fee... and find pals there. There is a pen pal tab where you can place an ad, or respond to others. Or search under memvers for pals in specific locations or hobbies, etc.

Do It Now... before I add a fee to the site.

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