With Retirement Comes "Frugality"
by Noelle
Learning to be frugal isn't easy....it takes one step at a time.
Being frugal does not equal being cheap. For example, I love eating out but soon learned that cooking at home made far more sense. When it comes to things I need, I no longer go to a mall to purchase them....I do a lot of online auctions and thrift shops where I can pick up necessary items for a fraction of the cost as opposed to buying them in a retail store.
There are tons of websites that deal with frugality... what it means and how to do it. I'm sure that Wendy could enlighten me (and you) on ways to save money during our retirement years. I love reading her articles as they are always "on spot." I feel blessed to have found her site as it gives me an outlet to vent.
Sometimes, your total debt can be quite overwhelming. But if you adopt the attitude that it wasn't created all at once and you can only get rid of it by tackling it one debt at a time.
When you say "I can" rather than "I can't," you stop making excuses and start coming up with alternatives.
If you’re having financial troubles, the worst thing you can do is sit and fret. Those financial woes won’t correct themselves. Instead, it’s up to you to take control and turn your financial situation around.
Just check out the web to learn how many ways there are to save money....you will find more resources than you can imagine.