Working part time
by ronald
(thumb of michigan)
Money is no issue but money is always an issue.
I retired / downsized almost eight years ago. For the first couple years I drew unemployment and slid into my retirement, I have a couple small pensions and SS.
I just turned 65 last month. We do almost anything we want to, are careful with our money. We do not go without, in fact between everything I am making more than when I worked.
I took a part time job at the local hardware five years ago and enjoy the time there mostly, but sometimes I feel I should be fully retired.
Just a feeling, we spend lots of time with grandchildren and only a few times has the job interfered. I have set hours so everyone works around them to visit. 12 hours one week, 20 hours for the next two and then back to 12 again.
I read all the books I want and watch more tv than I should but why do I think I should quit. Other than I want to “feel” retired.