Young Retirees (age 58)

by Patty

View from work

View from work

As a teacher, I'm happy I got out of the traditional setting when I did. I am now in a "retirement job" where I get paid a fair amount and don't have any take home work.

Most of the things I like to do are sedentary except exercise, so having some kind of job is the best thing for me at this stage.

Almost all of my friends are also employed part-time. Is that true of most "young" retirees?

Wendy: I will be curious to see the answers to your question. I am also 58 and don't know what I'd do all day without work.... but I do work from home, on this website. Personally, I love new challenges, keeping my brain thinking and simply working with other people.

So what do the rest of you Young Retirees think? Please state your age if you comment below so we can keep this in perspective. Thanks!

Comments for Young Retirees (age 58)

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Part time
by: Barbara

Patty...what type of work do you do now?

Please click on "Friendship Here" on the right side of this page. Lots of nice folks and activities to enjoy!

by: richard

Patty, I too am a retired teacher/guidance counselor.

I retired in 2005 at the age of 62... but continued my part time job teaching at a community college, before moving to the Philippines for three years.

I now substitute teach two or three days a week and find this much less stressful than teaching full time.

Young Semi-Retired
by: Carrie

I am 55 and stopped teaching last year. It was just "time" after 24 years in the classroom and I don't regret it. I still haven't officially retired, but now I am working 4 hours each morning as a tutor in the schools in my town.

I like only working part time, and the pay isn't bad. I also like having a reason to get up every morning and a job that is fulfilling.

Young retirees
by: Anonymous

I also retired at age 58 from a career in healthcare. How sweet it is not to do the "full time shuffle" I recently had a surprise part/time job offer from past contact. I am giving this idea consideration.

I know several people who retired from teaching in their 50's. One friend decided to work 2 days a week after spending some time doing projects at home.

It is a wonderful thing to have a choice!
Good luck to all!!!

Not the perfect retirement job
by: Patty

My retirement job (running an on-site virtual education center) is suppose to be part-time but it has turned into very long hours. I am now searching closer to home for a job where I don't have to travel so far or stay so long.

I'd be lying if I said it was hard. The kids are great but we are required to work 2 sessions or 10 hours a day. I do like working hourly for the first time in my life. I find there is less "time abuse" than there is in a regular teaching job.

Now if they want me, they have to pay me.

Young Retiree
by: Susan

Moved to its own page here: Young Retiree

(so that other retirees can comment and offer their two cents).


retired at 51
by: Barbara M

I retired at 51, after 30 years teaching. I have been working in retail part-time for the last 4 years. But, I am starting to wonder how long I can do this. I would love a part-time job that paid better and didn't involve standing so much.

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