Senior Medical Insurance

In 2011, I got an email pointing out the following senior medical insurance issues (really it wasn't about seniors, but about the health care system itself):

"...Because the healthcare industry, the very system that's supposed to protect us… Is severely BROKEN.

As the battle on Obama's Healthcare Law rages on at the Supreme Court, here's what's happening right NOW...

An unbelievable forty one percent of Americans have either medical bill problems or are currently paying off medical debt...

According to The American Journal of Medicine, 60 percent of bankruptcies in the United States are caused by medical bills...

Pharmaceutical companies spend tens of billions of dollars every year on marketing - TWICE as much as they spend on developing life-saving medicine…

Meanwhile, profits at American health insurance companies have shot up in recent years by a whopping fifty six percent."

Recently, I was traveling with a friend, Margaret (from upper New York), when I mentioned finances in retirement -- she told me that many seniors in her area have no health care besides Medicare. Many have loads of medical debt...I was a little surprised as I assumed most would have Medicare and supplemental insurances.

When I received the email, I was reminded of this conversation, so I thought I should ask retirees to see what they deal with on medical issues and how they deal with it.

So my questions to retirees are:

-- Do you have health care? Do you pay for it or does your former employer (with pension)?

-- Do you have medical debt?

-- Can you afford your prescriptions? What do prescriptions cost per month?

Please -- Tell your story below and let's share what's happening on the retiree health care scene... maybe you will find a solution from another retiree's story!

Share your two cents on any Retiree Health Care issues!

Do you have an insurance experience to share with others?

Your knowledge could help another retiree out there, good or bad, even maybe just a warning on what happened to you.

Learn from others... Check out their Two Cents on Retiree Health Care

Click below to see contributions from other visitors to this page...

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The Big Retirement Mistake and How to Avoid It 
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My America 
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Retirement sucks 
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Primary care physician  
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Should I have dental insurance? 
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Medicare Options Navigator 
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Wife needing Health Care Benefits 
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No Medicare, No Medicaid, Now what? 
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Heath care changes Jan 2013 
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COBRA today but what when it runs out?  
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Health Insurance with Medicare 
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Medicare and Still Working... 
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