Ricardo Mauzer

Ricardo (Rikk) Mauzer joined my Retirement Transition email group a few years ago. I believe he was the only one who was a few years away from retirement.

THAT provided much insight to me... Rikk cared enough about having a retirement plan to think ahead.

Most folks don't... until they are retired and say "Now What?"

Ricardo's Retirement Blog:

Ricardo Retired!

Reach Out to someone! anyone!

Six weeks from retirement, Observations and other Thoughts... (deep thinker he is)

Christmas Memories

Health Care: Costly but no option

Retirement date reset... such is life!

View from my Retirement Window: Morning Ramblings!

Life, Ah Life...


Voting is Freedom with a capital F.

Friendships then and now, remembering a 50 year friendship and wondering about the future

About the Past and Now, growing up in simpler times...

Life Flies When You are Having Fun (a.k.a. Ricardo Maturing)...

Pondering the Aging Process... Oh Rikk, must we?

A Piece of Time

Pre-Retirement: The Power of Time and Patience -- Don't miss the wisdom in this post!

Ricardo's Posts

Click below to see contributions from other visitors to this page...

Wendy, yes, the 4th is around the corner and we are headed to one of my favorite spots in the state of Michigan, SAUGATUCK! We love your home state. …

Memorial Day, the year.....ANY&ALL! 
As we approach yet another day of rememberances of those lost in conflicts over SO MANY years, we should give thought to our feeling and memories NOT only …

Meandering Thoughts 
Since I have not posted anything on this wonderful site for some time I thought that it was about time to do so, so with that being said, here it goes! …

You say SPRING? 
Well here in the Midwest as both Wendy and I find ourselves living in, the definition of that term can be fooling to say the LEAST! Over the last several …

Reflections and Holiday thoughts 
As we "wrap up" this year of 2022, I think we all reflect on what has occurred in our lives, the so called good, the bad, the ugly, for better or worse …

"In Line" 
As I reach my "4th" quarter in this crazy world called life, I reflect on it as being "in line." I am not in the front of the line as I was back in 1947. …

Checkers, a life lesson 
I have been playing the board game of checkers with my youngest granddaughter for a number of years, I have ALWAYS won, why not, I have been playing the …

A different WORLD 
The year was 2020. As I walked around. Everywhere that I looked people were "masked." It came to mind some of the old segments on the Twilight Zone …

I was on my way into a local retailer up the street from where I live with the thought of purchasing a few wreaths for the front door of our house. I did …

Finding Oneself 
I have been posting on this wonderful site that Wendy has established for a number of years now, perhaps five, about a year prior to retiring. A theme …

Good Byes 
Well, I guess my first memory of a good bye was back, what, in 1952. I was living on the southwest side of a large Midwestern city with my mother father …

The Future 
Have you ever wondered about the future, your destiny, life beyond? As all of us age, in fact, especially as we age, we begin to contemplate our futures …

NEWS (or Not) 
Let's begin with trying to dissect the term "news", since of late it has been a serious topic of conversation...everyone is talking about "news." Well, …

Early 70s, Marriage and Military 
This post goes back to the early part of 1970, God, can it be THAT long ago? I had lost my student deferment and I had a very low lottery number. I knew …

On the Autumn Season 
Not much happening this weekend . My usual exercise program in the mornings. I did some yard work, pruning, dead heading some plants, purchased some mums …

Mid Summer Thunder 
As I sit here on my back porch watching and listening to the storms that are rolling thru our area, I observe the wonders of nature all around me and her …

A Hero: Ali 
That word has come to mind with the passing of the "champ", Ali. I had the pleasure to meet with him at his Michigan home some years ago when he was …

Changing Times 
I have been thinking of late how this country of ours has changed since the end of the second world war. The year was nineteen forty six and troops …

The Processing Plant 
Have you ever thought about your body and what it does? The human heart pumps our liquid energy,our blood, 24/7 for what, eighty or ninety years without …

More Appreciative of Life 
As I sit here with my leg in the air recuperating from some unknown "staph" infection that really sent me for a loop both physically AND mentally, I have …

Thoughts On Aging 
I am here in this age restricted community in the the upper midwest of our great nation almost two years. It is surrounded by a golf course, has immaculate …

An Anniversary Story 
Yes, today, February 21st, is in fact yet another anniversary for my better half and myself, what is it now forty six I believe......I better know the …

This might be more appropriate for Mother's Day, but this past Valentine's Day I thought of my departed Mother.....a "sweetheart" of mine. Somehow, …

Your Body: The Processing Plant 
Have you ever thought about your body and what it does? The human heart acts as a pump and pumps our liquid energy,our blood,24/7 for what, eighty …

I retired on my sixty sixth birthday three years ago almost to the day. I had been with the same employer for some thirty eight years. I started as …

Still Writing 
Well Wendy, I guess that I rekindled the "flame" of writing, and your site helped to ignite that flame once again. That was what, perhaps three years …

......Follow up to "And Now What".....Ricardo's Update 
Yes my dear friends, it has been two years since this writer decided to "pull the trigger" so to speak and call it a career after some thirty eight years! …

...One might say that I am "transitioning" to a new life style, even though I have been retired for some fifteen months. The saga of Ricardo goes on …

Settled In,,,,,,,Kind Of 
....Well, it will be coming on two weeks that we have been at our new location, of which I never thought would ever become reality. We still have much …

Huntley.....here we are! 
......Well,well, here we are, finally settled into our new house that I never thought would actually happen! As I sit here with a fire going in the …

Well.......it is over 
To the many that have followed my "journey to retirement", I attended "my party" today. It has been three weeks since I last stepped foot in my office …

LIFE... Ah, Life! 
The beating of a tiny heart next to the breast of a mother....the emergence of a chick from it's shell....the budding of leaves during a spring day....ah, …

A lifetime....up until now 
Ricardo is a new blogger on this retirement website, sharing his Retirement Journey with us! Well, now that I am closing in on retirement, my present …

Life Flies when you are Having Fun!
Never thought that I would reach this "plateau" in life. I always thought that "maturing" was something that happened to "old people", you know, parents, …

A Piece Of Time 
A piece of time was all he asked. I did not have the time, or better yet, did not want to take the time. Too many other "more important things to do" with …